Tale Out

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Favoured feathers

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Like Shane Warne atop his mark and beginning building into his run up, almost as if in slow motion, the trout rose smoothly, building in momentum, jaws stretching wider and beckoning the fly in. And like one of Warnie’s fizzing leg breaks violently ripping back off the deck, the trout’s jaws snapped shut distinctly, fly enclosed and hook set. Circa 2007 Boxing Day and Warnie’s 700th test wicket, the crowd, myself and Dom, erupted. Bouncing to our feet, whooping and making a distracting racquet, we were no doubt doing more harm than good. Concentrating on the fish of the day bending the rod back over on itself, Andrew inched ground back between each determined run. Channelling its inner Warnie, the trout had similar ideas, taking off to all corners of the ‘G’ wagging a finger, knowing that in that moment they were the most captivating being in the world. Andrew, determined to keep the trout away from the snag ridden deep, expertly guided the fish up and back into the manageable shallows of the tail out. Dom’s good conscience kicked into gear and he decided to assist with the netting of the fish. I, however, continued to provide some friendly ribbing. Thankfully, Andrew prevailed, and the fish was netted and returned seamlessly. A wonderful bookend to a great, and informative, day’s fishing.

Yarrangobilly, South Glory Hole Cave

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